Can you smoke weed while on birth control?

You enjoy having your hit occasionally and just relaxing and letting all your stress melt away. But you are also on birth control for whatever reason it might be, if it is medical related or you just do not want little feet running around in the next 9 months.

If you are reading this article you are probably using one of the two or maybe both and want to know if weed is going to influence the effectiveness of your birth control.

Well, to be honest, there is not enough research or studies done on this subject to show what might happen if you use both at the same time. But let us get to what we do know.

When it comes to birth control there are so many options to choose from including:

Vaping a portable vaporizer
Vaping a portable vaporizer

Pills, patches, shots, implants, and IUD’S. Each of these birth controls differ from another some have estrogen and progesterone while others are progesterone only. They also have different hormone ratios. These birth controls also affect everyone in a different way some stop getting aunty flow others feel fatigued and depressed and then some are loving their lives again.

As you may know, there are different species of cannabis. Indica which has more of a calming high effect and Sativa, which is more of an energizing high.

It has been shown that cannabis helps with cramps, general pain, nausea, anxiety, eating disorders, lack of sleep, and even endometriosis. Just like birth control has different ratios, there are also different species of cannabis that have different ratios of CBD and THC.

Okay by now you might understand why it is hard to determine if weed influences your birth control. Here is some interesting information:

“A couple of studies done by the Department of Hygienic Chemistry in Japan and the Department of Pharmacology in the Czech Republic suggests that the CBD compound found in marijuana can potentially act as an “enzyme inhibitor”.

There are enzymes in our body, such as cytochrome P450 (CP450), that are responsible for metabolizing medication. If CBD manages to hinder this process, then the effectiveness of estrogen-based contraception may be at risk. “The methods include:

  • Combination birth control pills
  • NuvaRing
  • Birth control patch
Smoking weed
Smoking weed

So, at this stage of the article, we have learned that birth control and weed have benefits to our bodies like preventing pregnancy or feeling less stress, sleeping better, and relieving pain. But whether weed influences the effectiveness of your birth control we still need to find out. Stay updated on any new information regarding this subject.

I hope you found this article helpful. Enjoy!